music cover - Flute Fantasias 250

Twenty-three Fantasias on Sacred Tunes

for Unaccompanied Flute

Price $19.00

My Song Shall Be of Jesus; tune “Nyland” traditional Finnish melody – view score – listen

We Gather Together; tune “Kremser,” Netherlands Folk Song 1625

O Thou in Whose Presence; tune “Beloved” or “Dulcimer” att. to Freeman Lewis, 1813 – view score – listen

My Jesus, I Love Thee; tune “Gordon” by Adoniram Gordon (1836-1895) – view score-listen

All Things Bright and Beautiful; tune “Royal Oak” English traditional melody – view score – listen

Arise, My Soul, Arise; tune “Lenox” by Lewis Edson (1782)

Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life; tune “Gardiner” from William Gardiner’s Sacred Melodies, 1815

Son of God, Eternal Savior; tune “In Babilone” Dutch Folk Tune, 18th century

And Can It Be; tune “Sagina” by Thomas Campbell, 1812

O Sing, My Soul, Your Maker’s Praise; tune “Finland” traditional Finnish melody – view score – listen

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross; tunes “Rockingham Old” by Edward Miller, 1790; and “McCabe” by E. S. Widdemer – view score – listen

There is a Balm in Gilead
; tune, African-American spiritual – view score – listen

I Want Jesus to Walk with Me; tune, African-American spiritual – view score – listen

Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho; tune, African-American spiritual

Every Time I Feel the Spirit; tune, African-American spiritual

All the Way My Savior Leads Me; tune “Lowry” by Robert Lowry, 1874

Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine; tune by Mrs. Joseph F. Knapp, 1873 – view score – listen

The Wexford Carol
; tune, Irish folk melody

Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine; tune “Resonet in Laudibus” 15th century German carol.

Now is Born the Divine Christ-Child; traditional 19th  century French Carol

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded; tune, “Passion Chorale” Hans Leo Hassler, 1601; arr. J. S. Bach,1729 – view score – listen

Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light; tune “Ermuntre Dich” Johann Schop (1590-1664); arr. J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

How Brightly Shines the Morning Star; tune by Philip Nicolai; 1599