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Voluntaries for the Church Pianist

A collection of 21 two-stanza, hymn-based piano pieces, designed for the church pianist. These can serve at various places in the worship service: preludes, postludes, offertories, etc.  Short and easily learned, they are also good material for piano students in the teaching studio.  Each is named for the title of the hymn tune, along with a text that is often coupled with it.  Other texts may work as well.

Price $18.00

On “Canonbury” (Lord, Speak to Me); melody by Robert Schumann – view score – listen

On “Laudes Domini” (When Morning Gilds the Skies) ; melody by Joseph Barnby

On “Crusaders’ Hymn” (Fairest Lord Jesus); Silesian folk melody – view score

On “Nyland” (My Song Shall Be of Jesus); Finnish folk melody – view score – listen

On “Wetherby” (Lord, I Have Made Thy Word My Choice); melody by S. S. Wesley – view score – listen

On “Terra Beata” (This Is My Father’s World); melody by Franklin Sheppard

On “Park Street” (Lord of All Being); arr. from Frederick Venua – view score – listen

On “Wer nur den lieben Gott” (If You But Trust in God to Guide You); melody by George Neumark

On “Dundee” (God Moves in a Mysterious Way); melody from the Scottish Psalter – view score – listen

On “Brother James’ Air” (The Lord’s My Shepherd); melody by James Bain

On “Tryggare kan ingen vara” (Children of the Heavenly Father); possibly a Swedish folk melody – view score – listen

On “Wie lieblich ist der Maien” (God Is My Strong Salvation); German folk melody

On “Pevensey” (Far from All Care); melody by D. A. R Aufrane – view score

On “Rhosymedre” (Our Father By Whose Name) melody by John D. Edwards

On “Hamburg” (When I Survey the Wondrous Cross) melody by Lowell Mason – view score

On “Beloved” or “Dulcimer” (O Thou in Whose Presence) melody by Freeman Lewis – view score – listen

On “Mit Freuden zart” (Sing Praise to God); melody from Bohemian Brethren’s Kirchengesänge, Berlin, 1566 – view score – listen

On “Integer Vitae” or “Flemming” (Praise Ye the Father); melody by Griedrich Flemming

On “St. Leonard” (To the Name that Brings Salvation); melody by Johann Christoph Bach

On “Slane” (Be Thou My Vision); Irish folk melody – view score – listen

On “St. Clement” (The Day Thou Gavest); melody by Clement Scholefield – view score  – listen